
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

For all of our service opportunities, please contact the church office at 936.564.0421 or email: cechurch@cc-nac.org

The youth of the congregation are a vital part of the working experience at Christ Church. Young people from K-12th grades are needed to serve as vergers, cross bearers, and torch bearers for the 10:30 a.m. service.

Altar Guild
Guild members prepare for and clean up after each communion service. They also serve at weddings, funerals, and special services such as Palm Sunday, Easter and Christmas, as well as attend workshops to learn how to better assist the priest in serving God and the parishioners. The Guild is divided into four groups, and therefore each group serves approximately one week each month.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a long-standing organization of men and boys in the Episcopal Church devoted to evangelism. One of the ways the Brotherhood gives back to the church is by cooking a wonderful pancake breakfast the second Sunday of each month. Proceeds from those breakfasts go to the charity or ministry of choice for the Brotherhood.

Chapel Service
Christ Episcopal School and Community are invited to attend.   Wednesdays at 8:15 am.

Children’s Ministry
Do you have a gift for teaching? Or do you just love working with kids. If so, consider volunteering to help teach Sunday School or Children’s Church.

Christ Church Choir
Our choir serves at 10:30 a.m. Sundays and for most special evening services. Rehearsals are 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings and 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

Christ Episcopal School
The largest ministry of Christ Church is our school which serves Pre-K to 5th grade students. Fr. Hughes oversees the work of Mrs. Catherine Oliver, Head of School, at the only SAES accredited school in the Nacogdoches area. Volunteers of all talents are needed and encouraged to call the school office at 936-564-0621.

Christ Episcopal School Board of Trustees
The church’s parish day school, Christ Episcopal School, serves the needs of many families in Nacogdoches. CES relies on trustees to serve on school board, consisting of members from the community and Episcopalians from this parish.

Christian Meditation Service
This service in the nave features a ten-minute teaching followed by twenty minutes of contemplative prayer and silent meditation. This service is affiliated with the World Community of Christian Meditation.  Mondays at 4:45pm.

Emergency Preparedness and Response
Members of Christ Church prepare for and respond to disasters and emergencies such as hurricane, flood, or fire, as called for by the Diocese of Texas http://www.epicenter.org/emergency-preparedness.

Episcopal Jacks- College Ministry at SFASU
Members of the congregation with a special talent for college ministry meet as needed to help support the programs for the college ministry. All college students are invited to the SFASU campus student union building on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm during the fall and spring semester for dinner, Bible study, prayer and evening prayer.

Finance Committee
Meets monthly at 1:30 p.m. in the Bailey House one week prior to the Vestry meetings.

Floral Gifts for Altar
Flowers are given in memory of, in honor of, or thanksgiving for an individual each Sunday or for special services. The memorials or honorees and who gave them are included in the Sunday service bulletin.

Our greeters team with ushers to greet all who come to our services with help and directions for our opportunities to worship, study and find a ministry to join.

Intercessory Prayer
Trained intercessors serve at the side altar during the 10:30 Eucharist. They provide prayers for healing and anointing with oil that has been blessed by the priest.

Lay Readers
This ministry carries on the tradition from the early church in the reading of scripture by parishioners other than the priest during the 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and special services.

Living Legacy Committee
Focuses on the needs of those parishioners and other residents of Nacogdoches who need help by virtue of infirmity or lack of finances. This committee makes recommendations to the vestry for the use of funds from an endowment established for these purposes.

Missional Community
This work is the ministry of taking the church out to the people, where they live and move. To make this a reality in Nacogdoches, we have adopted an apartment living community as our missionary community. Independence Manor is a Section 8 HUD housing complex that deserves our time, treasure and talent. We serve meals there every Saturday, and we hold at least one service there per month. We need a wide range of skill sets to serve these people. Additionally, lay eucharistic visitors offer holy communion once a month at local nursing homes.

New Membership/Greeting Team
Develops and implements actions, activities and programs to welcome newcomers. Organizes effective newcomer greeter ministry and procedures, raises retention of new families, explores other church’s successful new membership and greeting practices.

Children are welcomed at Christ Church worship services; however, our well child nursery is available for parent convenience during church services. The nursery is staffed by two adults that must be certified in the EDOT program, Safeguarding God’s Children. It is located on the East end of the main building.

Social Team
Like to plan events? Join the Social Team, which provides food and planning for special events (receptions, funerals, etc.) and annual gatherings.

Sunday School
Rector’s Class - Every Sunday from September to May, the Rector holds an adult Bible study class in the Parish Hall from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Come have coffee and donuts.  
Online Study Group - Join adults from the congregation and community on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for stimulating book discussions in small group setting.
Sunday Morning Live (Sunday School) K – 5th Grade – during the 10:30 a.m. service. Parents, please have your children join us every Sunday throughout the year except during the summer.

Visual/Sound Ministry
The sound ministry team primarily adjusts volume levels during the service, mutes and un-mutes the speakers, and records the sermons. Join our small group of people in making sure the Gospel is heard during our worship services.

Men serve in teams of two to hand out liturgy sheets at all services at Christ Church, ring the bell, help people to their seats, pass the alms basins, and direct people to the altar rail for communion

Vestry meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Each of us is called to serve in Christ's church...How might you be led?

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Please contact Crystal Nett in the office.

How do I volunteer with kids?

Please contact Karen Mast.

How do I volunteer with music?

To serve in the choir please contact Nita Hudson.

How do I volunteer with students?

Please contact Fr. Karl

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.